Notice is hereby given in terms of section 14(1) and (2) of the Local Government: Property Rates Act, 2004; that the Council resolved by way of council resolution number OC139/03/2017, to levy the rates on property reflected in the schedule below with effect from 1 July 2017.
CATEGORY OF PROPERTY | Cent in the Rand rate determined for the relevant property category |
Residential | 0.0092 |
Undeveloped land/Vacant land | 0.0092 |
Business | 0.0138 |
Government | 0.0138 |
Agriculture/Farms | 0.0023 |
Public Service Infrastructure | 0.0000 |
Public Benefit Organisation | 0.0023 |
Full details of the Council resolution and rebates, reductions and exclusions specific to each category of owners of properties or owners of a specific category of properties as determined through criteria in the municipality’s rates policy is available in the Municipal Offices: 37 Indwe Road, Lady Frere, 5410; 40 Fletcher Street, Indwe, 5445 and Grey Street, Town Hall Building, Dordrecht, 5435 and on the website for viewing at
For more information contact:The office of the Chief Financial Officer, Manager: Income & Expenditure, Mr. A Zindlu on 047 878 0020 during office hours
Municipal Manager
Dr S.W.Vatala