Chris Hani District Municipality Environmental Health Services, Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South African Police Service with various sections of Emalahleni Local Municipality embarked on Operation Gqogqa to visit and enforce law on certain food outlets. The main aim of the visit was to look whether these shops that are selling perishable […]
At Ngqanda Community hall, ward 12 the Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Chris Hani District Municipality in partnership with Emalahleni Local Municipality organized an Awareness Campaign on environmental issues with the theme, “Pressures on SA’s Biodiversity”Read more
Dr Sitembele Wiseman Vatala the Municipal Manager as cordially instructed by the speaker of Emalahleni Local Municipality (Cllr Dumisa Kalolo) hereby gives notice in terms of Section 19(a) and Section 25 of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 as amended and the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003, READ MORE
Dr Sitembele Wiseman Vatala the Municipal Manager as cordially instructed by the Speaker of Emalahleni Local Municipality (Cllr Dumisa Kalolo) hereby gives notice in terms of Section 19(a) of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 as amended that the second special council meeting of the Emalahleni Municipality will be held.Read more
Emalahleni Local Municipality together with South African Library for the Blind (SALB) will hand over the Daisy Player machines to blind Library members TO BE BASED AT Mlungisi Wycliff Tsotsi Library on the 24 May 2018 at Cacadu Town Hall at 11:00 am. Read More
Emalahleni Local Municipality Disaster Management together with Emergency Medical and Rescue Services, Fire, SAPS, Law enforcement, Glen-grey hospital and SANRAL will held a session to evaluate the state of readiness in particular the response time, personnel as well as other resources required in times of disasters, accidents and emergency. This will take place on the […]
Emalahleni Local Municipality hosted more than 100 young people at the Indwe Town Hall on the 3rd March 2018 to establish a new youth structure. Read more
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49 (1) (a) (i) read in conjunction with Section 78 (2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act” that the 2017 General Valuation Roll is open for public inspection. Notice is hereby given in terms […]
The Department of Human Settlement, Chris Hani District Municipality and Emalahleni Local Municipality responded to the needs of the destitute family of seven which was affected very badly by disastrous incidents occurred in 2015. The family reside in Ward 3, Greyspan village, they will be supported with a permanent structure as they are currently living […]
Emalahleni Local Municipality in partnership with the National Union of Mine workers, Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited, Department of Education and school management gathered at Ntsonkotha Senior Secondary School to verify areas that needs major renovations. The programme was initiated by NUM during the election campaign period responding to the request that was made by […]
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