

Posted by in Notices | Comments Off on ADOPTION OF DRAFT BUDGET AND IDP FOR 2017/2018 FINANCIAL YEAR

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 22 of the Municipal Finance Management Act no. 56 of 2003, Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act no. 32 of 2002 and Section 15 (3) of the Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulation, 2001.

that the 2017/18Draft Budget and IDP has been adopted by Council in an Ordinary Council meetingby way of council resolution number OC138/03/2017 at a meeting held on 30 March 2017 in the Council Chamber, Lady Frere.

Comments, Representations and/or suggestions in respect of the Draft Annual Budget from community structures, individuals, NGO’s and CBO’s must be lodged in writing within 21 days of publication of this notice and must be addressed to:

Dr SW Vatala

The Municipal Manager

37 Indwe Road

Lady Frere


Summary of Draft Budget: 2017/2018 is as follows:


Operating Budget:

Total Revenue:                                              R 186, 953 million

Total Expenditure:                             R 186, 942 million

Projected surplus:                              R 11 thousand

Capital Budget:

Grant Funding:                                   R 32.358 million

Own Funds:                                        R8.0 million

Total expenditure:                              R 40.358million

Draft Tariff increases have been kept in line with the CPI and electricity charges in line with NERSA guide proposed increases:


  1. Assessment Rates have been increased by 6.4% as per table below


PROPERTY RATES Ratios 16/17 17/18
Residential 1.00 0.0087 0.0092
Undeveloped land/Vacant land 1.00 0.0087 0.0092
Business 1.50 0.0130 0.0138
Government 1.50 0.0130 0.0138
Agriculture/Farms 0.25 0.0022 0.0023
Public Service Infrastructure 0.00 0.0000 0.0000
Public Benefit Organisation 0.25 0.0022 0.0023
Indigent subsidy will be  based on market value of R 80 000 for property rates


  1. Electricity has been increased by an average of 1.88% in line with NERSA guidelines. These tariffs are subject to approval by NERSA.


  1. Refuse removal have been increased by 6.4% and all other tariffs have been increased by a general increase of 6.4%. The full tariff list as approved by Council can be viewed on the municipal website.

Full documentation regarding the Draft Budget and IDP for 2017/18 is available in the Municipal Offices: 37 Indwe Road, Lady Frere, 5410; 40 Fletcher Street, Indwe, 5445 and Grey Street, Town Hall Building, Dordrecht, 5435 and on the website for viewing at

For more information contact: The office of the Municipal Manager, IDP/PMS Manager, Ms N. Ncede on 047 878 0020 or;

The office of the Chief Financial Officer, Budget and Reporting Manager, Mr. M Ngxowa on 047 878 0020 during office hours

Municipal Manager
