Esi sisaziso ngokomthetho olawula ukusebenza kooMasipala wamashumi amathathu anesibini ka2000, uMthetho olawula ukusetyenziswa kwemali zikaMasipala wamashumi amahlanu ka2003 ukuba kwakunye neSolotya leshumi elinesihlanuicandelwana lesithathu lomthethowoMasipala olawula ukucwangcisa kwakunye nokulawulaindlelaekuthikusetyenzwengayo ka2001. iSicwangciso Nkqubo Sophuhliso esisaqulunqwayo sika2017-2022 kwakunye nohlahlo lwabiwomali luka2017-2018 zithe zathiwa thaca phambi kweBhunga likaMasipala wase Emalahleni zaze zaphunyezwa kwintlanganiso yeBhunga ebibanjwe ngomhla wamashumi amathathu […]
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 22 of the Municipal Finance Management Act no. 56 of 2003, Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act no. 32 of 2002 and Section 15 (3) of the Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulation, 2001. that the 2017/18Draft Budget and IDP has been adopted by […]
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 14(1) and (2) of the Local Government: Property Rates Act, 2004; that the Council resolved by way of council resolution number OC139/03/2017, to levy the rates on property reflected in the schedule below with effect from 1 July 2017. CATEGORY OF PROPERTY Cent in the Rand rate […]
Ibhunga lika Masipala wase Emalahleni lithe lapasisa isicwangciso nkqubo sophuhliso esisaqulunqwayo sika nyakamalika 2017 ukuyaku 2022 kwakunye nohlahlolwabiwomali luka 2017 ukuyaku 2018 ngokomthetho olawula ukusebenza kooMasipala wamashumimathathu anesibini ka 2000 uMasipala uzakuthi abambe inkqubo yokuya eluntwini ukuqala ngomhla wesithathu ukuya kumhlaweshumi elinanye kuTsahzimpunzi kulo umiyo, ukusa esisicwangciso kwakunye nohlahlolwabiwomali njengoko zithe zaphunyezwa. UMHLA […]
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