Umphathi Masipala Emalahleni UGqirha S.W. Vatala ngokugunyaziswa ngohloniphekileyo uSodolophu uCeba Nomveliso Nyukwana wazisa ekwamema bonke abathathi nxaxheba kwintlanganiso ye Sicwangciso Sophuhliso esidibeneyo ngokwe Candelo lesine lomthetho olawula ukusebenza koMasipala, Nombolo 32 ka 2000. Phakathi kwemiba yengxoxo izakuba yinkcaza equlunqwayo ngobume bezinto kwingingqi yase Emalahleni njengoko isesinye sezigaba zokwenza isicwangciso sophuhliso esidibeneyo. Lo mhlangano uzokubanjwa ngolu […]
The Municipal Manager of Emalahleni Local Municipality, Dr. S.W.Vatala as duly instructed by Her Worship Mayor Cllr. N. Nyukwana hereby notifies and invites all stakeholders to the IDP Representative Forum meeting in terms of Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act No.32 of 2000. The engagement among other things aims at discussing the Draft Situation […]
Recently at Gando village in Lady Frere (Cacadu), ward 6 Emalahleni Local Municipality was among many municipalities throughout the country to arrange the inauguration meeting for the Councillors to take an oath of office to serve the people. Out of thirty four seats the African National Congress won 28, Democratic Alliance 4, Economic Freedom Fighters […]
Emalahleni Local Municipality held a workshop for the day on the Integrated Waste Management Plan, a plan for a period of five years which will include the implementation plan so as to be in a better position to measure the effect of the plan at the end of the day. The municipality in 2015 won […]
Emalahleni Local Municipality recently received new plant machinery for roads construction and mantainance. This equipment will help to address the bad state of roads as constructing and maintaining gravel roads is one of the challenging issues due to the weather conditions which at times make it hard to reflect on the roads that were done […]
Subject: Mayor Councillor Nomveliso Nyukwana is invited to attend the 5th UCLG Congress World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders to be held on 12-15 October at the Corferias Convention Center, in Bogota Colombia, back- to- back with the Habitat III Conference. Emalahleni Local Municipality Mayor Councillor Nomveliso Nyukwana as part of the engagements during […]
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